Monday, October 26, 2009

カタカナ プロジェクト


Foreign and borrowed words are Japanesed and spelled with カタカナ:
foreign words examples:
ニュースパーク newspark
タッチパネル touchpanel
アイドル・グループ american idol
グローバリゼーション globalization
プロパガンダ propaganda
マニフェスト manifest
キャンパス campus
コミュニティー community

Onomatopeia is used to voice animal voices, nature voices, or people produced sounds like footsteps or hammer sounds.
Examples of onomatopoeia (ヴィンセントサンから もらいました): 
ニャーニャー  mew (cat)
ワンワン  bowwow (dog)
ヒューヒュー wind sound
メラメラ fire sound
トコトコ footsteps

The emphasis and combination with kanji is used to underline the specifics of the word. Like 結婚 けっこん and ウェヂング in newspaper emphasises the western style of wedding as opposed to traditional wedding and also call attention to this add. Similarly the ライブラリー versus としょかん is used to indicate that this is not a traditional library but a library solely dedicated to newspapers.

emphasis and combination with kanji:
ライブラリー library
ウェヂング wedding


  1. Hello!! My name is Ai.
    I'm Japanese college school student.
    Do you like Japanese?
    What is your favorite Katakana:)?
    Your Japanese is good!!
    I can understand your blog.
    But I can found a little mistake.
    ウェヂング is ウェディング.

  2. こんにちは。
    Is the difference between these characters just emphasis?

    What do you think?

  3. I love your selection of katakana for onomatopoeia. いいですね。The art of the Japanese language never ceases to amaze me.
